Correcting and Deleting Accounting Entries

If you want to correct a mistake, or to delete an accounting entry, click the View/Edit Accounting Entries command in the Data Entry tab.

HyperLedger will ask you for the account number to view. As usual, if you know the account number, then key it in, or else scroll up or down and choose from the list, or click the by Pattern or by Type buttons for better selection.

Once an account number is specified, then you should see something like this:

There are 2 ways that you may change the entries - one is editing the line and the other is editing the batch. For example, if you only want to the correct the reference number of the 07/09/2013 entry, then you choose the line editing option. To edit, double-click on the line and you should get an option like this:

Clicking the Edit Line option would bring you to this screen:

In the Edit Line mode, you may only change the 4 fields - Particulars, Ref No, Bill No and Remarks. The Date, Debit and Credit fields may not be changed. Using this editing option, has some advantages. Firstly, it is faster and less prone to corruption. Secondly, it requires a lower access level password, if you have set up passwords for this ledger.

The Edit Batch mode is for making changes to either the date or the amounts. Let's say you want to change the 07/09/2013 entry from RM687 to RM678, scroll to the entry by using the mouse or up and down arrow keys of the keyboard. Other keys that you may use are Page Up, Page Down, Home and End. Once the entry to be changed has been highlighted (yellow), you may choose to double-click or click on the Edit/Delete button on that particular line and then choose the Edit Batch option. What happens next is that the transaction batch related to that particular entry, is recalled:

To change the figures, if the debit figure of 687.00 is changed to 678.00, then the credit figure of 687.00 must also be changed to 678.00, or else the changes will not be allowed. Once the entries have been corrected, click the Post Entries button or press F10 and you will see the changes immediately back in the View Account form, with balances updated as well.

You may use the same way to change dates, particulars, reference and bill numbers and remarks as well. To delete a line, just rub off the whole line using the Backspace key. But if you wish to delete the whole batch, click the Clear Entries button or press the F8 key.

Using the Edit Batch option to correct the entries requires a higher access level password if you have set up passwords for the ledger. Also, it is slower and less safer than the Edit Line option. But if you require to change the date or amounts, the Edit Batch is the only option other than passing a journal entry.

Both the Edit Line and Edit Batch options would record the changes in the Correction Trail, and you may see what has been changed by clicking the Correction Trail command under the Utilities tab.