HyperLedger 7 Release 1088a (31 May 2024) - Tax Identification Number (TIN) field added
HyperLedger 7 Release 1089a (19 July 2024) - Added submission of e-invoice via API method
HyperLedger 7 Release 1090a (24 July 2024) - Added Cancel/Reset submission
HyperLedger 7 Release 1091a (29 July 2024) - Added Debit, Credit and Refund Notes to e-invoicing
HyperLedger 7 Release 1092a (19 August 2024) - Added Consolidated Invoice, removed WinXP,Vista,Win7 support
HyperLedger 7 Release 1093a (3 September 2024) - Some modifications to Consolidated and Self-Billed Invoices
HyperLedger 7 Release 1094a (11 September 2024) - Printing multipage invoices bug corrected
HyperLedger 7 Release 1095a (10 November 2024) - XML special character bug corrected, checking clock accuracy
HyperLedger 7 Release 1096a (10 December 2024) - Internal backup when ledger is selected, UOM code support.
HyperLedger 7 Release 1097a (23 December 2024) - Checking of linked stock ledger for old data format.
HyperLedger 7 Release 1098a (2 January 2025) - Submission failure will show the reason given by the server.
HyperLedger 7 Release 1099a (9 January 2025) - Search for TIN added and Classification Code added to Stocks
HyperLedger 7 Release 1100a (16 February 2025) - MyInvois QR code sometimes do not appear in Win11. Corrected.
Note: Always try to download and use the latest release because it usually has more features and also it may have corrected some old bugs. If there is a problem with the latest release, then only download and use an earlier release.
REMINDER: Please backup your ledgers often to external storage because hard disks can fail, data can become corrupted and computers can be stolen.
Setting up for e-invoice testing and for actual use