Please read the LHDN guidelines about e-invoicing before you begin to use HyperLedger 7 to issue e-invoices.


Firstly, make sure to set different prefixes to your invoices, cash bills, credit notes, debit notes, consolidated invoices, self-billed invoices so that you may distinguish the different documents easily. For example, you may use CB as the prefix for your cash bills and CN as the prefix for your credit notes, CI for consolidated invoices, etc. An e-invoice is supposed to show a MyInvois QR code on it, so you need to choose the correct Output Definition File in your Invoice Setup, for example, EINV.TXT.


To submit an invoice, the customer's account details must have address and telephone number, business registration number (BRN) or IC/Passport number and tax identification number (TIN).


If you have retail customers, you have to decide if you wish to use only invoices for submission to LHDN or both invoices and cash bills to LHDN. If you wish to submit some cash bills individually to LHDN, you have to create a separate customer ledger with details of retail customers. such as BRN and TIN. You have to specify this customer list ledger number in your ledger setup and also add in (CTN) into the special options column in Cash Bill Setup. Because only some retail customers require e-invoices, most cash bills will not need to be submitted individually to LHDN. Cash bills that were not submitted individually will be available to be grouped together during submission via a consolidated invoice.


The CC column in an invoice or cash bill stands for "Classification Code". You may double-click on this column to choose from a list of valid CC. If you do not enter any CC, HyperLedger 7 will submit the line as classification code 022 (Others) by default. Also, for individual invoice or cash bill lines, there is a Unit of Measurement (UOM) code field, which is hidden. This UOM code is obtained from the product that you have selected. If you have not entered any UOM code for the product that you have selected, or if the UOM code is invalid, HyperLedger 7 will submit UOM code C62 (one) by default. To see the UOM code, right-click on any line of the invoice.


Before you submit your invoice, click "Save and Resume" button.


To submit an invoice or cash bill individually, click the Submit to LHDN button and wait for a short while. If everything is okay, the Status column will show "Valid". Sometimes, due to a slower server response, the Status column shows "Submitted". If this happens, wait for a short while and then click "Cancel/Re-Check" to see if Status becomes "Valid". Once you have a "Valid" response, the invoice that you printed or e-mailed out will have a valid MyInvois QR code. If you get an error during submission, it could be because the LHDN server may be down or if there is an error with the data. One common mistake is that the BRN or TIN may be invalid.


You may cancel a submission within 3-days. After cancellation, click Reset and the invoice may be submitted again.


To issue debit and credit notes, you need to go to Invoices first and then choose an invoice that have been submitted earlier and double-click on the UUID number. You should see a message "Invoice Selected". Then in Debit or Credit Note, after entering the date and account number of the customer, click "Set Previous Invoice" and the UUID and invoice number of the previous invoice will appear. If you do not have a previously submitted e-invoice, you may set both the UUID and Invoice number to NA by double-clicking on the Inv. No. column.


To submit a consolidated invoice, you need to create an account called General Public, and enter NA for its Address1, City, Postcode, Telephone, E-mail and EI00000000010 for its TIN. Enter 00 for State. Double-clicking on the TIN column can choose from a list of general TIN numbers. When opening a new consolidated invoice, you need to click "Select Source" and choose either Invoices or Cash Bills and the Description column would be filled with the starting and ending invoice numbers. Invoices that have been submitted individually would be skipped. Make sure the CC column for each line is 004 (Consolidated Invoice) before you click the Submit to LHDN button.


In the case of Self-Billed Invoices, you should enter 033,034,035,036 or 037 in the CC column. For example, payment of sales commission to an agent, the CC should be 037.


Please note that not all lines that you have entered in your invoice would be submitted. Lines without any monetary value would be skipped. The Batch/Remarks column is also not submitted.


Please do not enter lines with negative values, for example a line deducting payment or discount. Your may enter comments in the Description and Batch/Remarks column about the payment or discount but put in zero value in the Amt column.


Because some lines and columns are not submitted to LHDN, your own printed e-invoice would look different from the one submitted to LHDN although the invoice total is the same.


In situations where using HyperLedger 7 to issue e-invoices may not be suitable then you have to use the MyInvois portal to directly issue such e-invoices.