Most users are only going to start issuing e-invoices in July 2025. In the meantime, users are encouraged to learn how to issue e-invoices by making use of LHDN's MyInvois test server. Users can directly issue e-invoices on the MyInvois portal but to use HyperLedger 7 to issue and submit e-invoices, you need to create ERP client-id and client-secret.


The MyInvois Test portal is at https://preprod-mytax.hasil.gov.my/. You can choose instructions in Bahasa or English. There are a few manuals on this website. To create ERP client-secret and client-id, please read the section about View and Register ERP of the MyInvois Portal User Manual. When asked for ERP Name, enter "HyperLedger 7".


Make sure you create the ERP client-secret and client-id under your company or business name, not under your personal name. For sole proprietors, you have to apply for "Business Owner" role if you do not have one. For limited companies, you have to apply for "Company Director" role. To apply for a "Business Owner" or "Company Director" role, click the Profile link at the portal.


Once you have the client-id and client-secret (you only need client-secret 1), you may enter them into MyInvois Setup in HyperLedger 7, under Data Entry 2 tab. As this is only for testing purposes, the "Server type to use" should be set to "Trial". Click the "Test Connection" button to check if the client-id and client-secret are ok. Ignore the parts about digital certificate, digital signature use is optional at the moment. You should click the "Check BRN/TIN" button to see if your BRN and TIN combination are ok. With the setup properly filled, you can now do test submissions of e-invoices using HyperLedger 7.


Once you have learned how to set up and use HyperLedger 7 for test submission of e-invoices, you may proceed to do the setup for the real submission of e-invoices. To do that, you need to go to the MyInvois portal at https://mytax.hasil.gov.my.The procedures are similar to what you did for the testing environment. Enter the new client-id and client-secret in MyInvois Setup in HyperLedger 7 but this time you have to change "Server type to use" to "Real".